Home / Solution / Service life of the supporting wheel for heavy duty apron feeder

Service life of the supporting wheel for heavy duty apron feeder

The heavy-duty apron feeder is a main feeding equipment used at the initial phase of the production line in mines and cement industries, which can greatly improve the efficiency of the overall production line. Now let us focus on the service life of its supporting wheels.
Comparing with the light-duty or medium-duty ones, heavy-duty apron feeder has obvious advantages: such as large load capacity, big pulling power, and long service life. According to the design principle, a large load ratio has already been considered on the basis of the standardized design, so the wheels are relatively durable.
Here are the analysis for reasons which cause short serving life of the wheels:
1. procurement channel: If the procured heavy-duty apron feeder is supplied by small manufacturers who give a relatively lower quotation, they are most likely to decrease the material standard to reduce cost, such as using thinner pipe, thus may cause rapid damage to the wheels.
2. adopted material: 40Cr base material must be more durable than the Q235. It is recommended that use high strength materials.
3. production process: the supporting wheel manufactured by Shenyang Juli engineering Co. will be quenching treated according to relevant standards. If this procedure is omitted by other small manufacturers in their production, the products will be highly affected in service life.