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The Causes of Conveyor Belt Aging

After a period of usage, the rubber layer of belt conveyor is prone to age or drop. The common causes of rubber aging are as follows:
1. Oxygen: Oxygen undergoes free radical chain reaction with rubber molecules, and molecular chains are broken or excessively crosslinked, thus causing changes in rubber properties; oxidation is one of the important reasons for rubber aging.
2. Ozone: Ozone has much higher chemical activity than oxygen, as well as stronger destructive power. It also breaks the molecular chain, but the effect differs depending on depending on whether the rubber is deformed or not.
3. Heat: the temperature rising can cause thermal cracking or thermal crosslinking in the rubber; however, the basic function of heat is activation; increasing the oxygen diffusion and activating the oxidation reaction, thereby accelerating the oxidation reaction rate of the rubber, which is a kind of ubiquitous aging reason - thermal oxygen aging.
4. Light: the shorter the light wave is, the greater the energy generated; ultraviolet light may cause damage to the rubber due to its higher energy.
5. Mechanical stress: under the repeated action of mechanical stress and the continuous friction  with the roller, the rubber molecular chain breaks to form a free radical, triggering the oxidation chain reaction and forming a force chemical process;
6. Moisture: There are two effects of moisture: when exposed to humid air or immersed in water, the rubber is easy to break, since the water-soluble substances and hydrophilic group are extracted and dissolved by water; Caused by hydrolyzing, absorption and other reasons.