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Performance advantages of plastic roller

As belt conveyor components, roller is easy to damage and has high consumption. The quality of the roller affects the service life and energy consumption of the belt conveyor. There are types of rollers in the present market, including metal roller, ceramic roller, plastic roller and so on. Plastic roller is made of the material of winding linear molecular structure, and the UHMWPE roller is of especially long molecular chain, so it has high impact strength and can withstand repeated impact and vibration, seldom break during the long running. Plastic roller has slow friction coefficient and high self-lubricating, which cause no wear on the belt and extend 1 to 2 times service life of the belt. Due to plastic roller’s wear-resistance, high self-lubricating, low friction coefficient and super anti-adhesion ability, the materials will not adhere to or accumulate on the roller surface, that improves the running smoothness of the main engine, decreases material jitter decline and significantly reduces the noise of the machine. So the belt conveyor can achieve operation of long-distance, large capacity and high-speed. Plastic roller can also eliminate or reduce latent danger of accidents and improve safety performance.
The superior performances make plastic roller have 2 to 3 years longer service life than metal roller and ceramic roller, it needs less replacement and maintenance, saving labor intensity and reducing the maintenance cost, and enhances the usage efficiency. The plastic roller is more suitable for belt conveyor.